财新传媒 财新传媒


China-Middle East Business Development:
 Unstoppable Momentum

Over the past week, I had the privilege of attending two forums focused on Saudi Arabia, providing valuable insights into the evolving relationship between China and the Middle East.

The first forum, a collaboration between the Future Investment Initiative (FII) and HKEx, showcased Middle Eastern representatives dressed in Western suits, exuding cosmopolitanism. Fluent in English, they engaged effortlessly with their international counterparts.

In contrast, the second forum, organized by the Saudi Ministry of Investment in Beijing, presented a different scene. Many Middle Eastern delegates proudly embraced their heritage, wearing traditional Arab robes. What struck me was the number of individuals sincerely expressing themselves in Mandarin, bridging the linguistic and cultural gap between China and the Middle East. This genuine effort reflects the growing rapport and mutual respect between the two regions.

These encounters highlight the visible trends ahead. As the Middle East embraces globalization, its representatives confidently navigate the international stage, fluent in English and with a cosmopolitan outlook. The increasing number of Middle Eastern delegates speaking Mandarin demonstrates China's growing importance as a strategic partner.

A few years ago, a Middle Eastern partner mentioned the inclusion of Chinese education in the region's basic education curriculum. Recent experiences confirm the accuracy of their statement.

These encounters symbolize the trajectory of China-Middle East business development, characterized by collaboration, mutual understanding, and shared prosperity. The relationship gains unstoppable momentum, particularly in the establishment of future cities and industrial parks.

Many Middle Eastern government departments adopt an "active government" approach, similar to Chinese local governments. They strategically establish industrial parks, attract investment, and focus on economic development. Our forums, entrepreneur clubs, and tools like big data industry maps have been well-received in countries like the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait.

China recognizes the Middle East's rich resources and strategic location, complementing its industries. Middle Eastern countries, with rapid population growth, substantial capital accumulation, and a significant energy role, are likely to become vital constituents of the "Second World" amidst the evolving global landscape.

China aims to diversify its supply chains and reduce dependencies, making the Middle East an appealing alternative for its industrial needs. China's technological prowess and investment capabilities contribute to the Middle East's economic development and innovation.

Bilateral trade between China and the Middle East has witnessed impressive growth, with China becoming the region's largest trading partner. Investments from China into the Middle East have surged, stimulating economic development and fostering collaboration.

The establishment of future cities and industrial parks holds great promise for both regions. Projects like Neom provide fertile ground for innovation, technology transfer, and sustainable development. China's expertise in smart cities, renewable energy, and high-tech industries can significantly contribute to these ambitious visions.

As China and the Middle East deepen economic ties, the geopolitical landscape plays a pivotal role. Increased cooperation in infrastructure development and connectivity, driven by the Middle East's strategic importance and China's Belt and Road Initiative, strengthens diplomatic relations and solidifies the foundation for collaboration.

In the historical literary work Arabian Nights, stories from distant China captivate readers. With further cooperation between China and Middle Eastern countries, our hope is to create more captivating stories for future generations.






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